Hi. Another tiring day and today, at some points I was moody. Especially during the mass-dancing we did in the hall with the two fucked up China instructors. I'm aching all over thanks to them. And my parents are total dumbasses. Dad pissed me off this morning, and when I just got home, outside the door, the first thing Mum asked while opening the door for me was: 'How's your results?' Give me a fucking break.
Just a random picture since there's no pictures to post here for today. Was taken on Tuesday, the 19th.
Morning was super shitty. I was rushing out of the house and usually, Dad sends me to the bus-stop, which I've never asked for. I forgot to take my ez-link card, and he helped me to get it from home. After he did and he came downstairs, he started to scold me and lecture me. Saying I didn't have responsibility, I'm influenced by my friends and that I'll retain or enter NA. Got super pissed off and just took the bus to school.
Arrived at school like usual and slacked in class until assembly started. After that, changed into our PE T-shirts and went to the basketball courts to play/support Captain's Ball. At a last minute, Angelyn decided that, me, her, Hui En, Cheryl Kay and Xin Yu would be the girls to represent our class for the inter-class game. There were 10 in each group and the boys were Byung Jun, Nicholas, Dong Hyeock, Ryan and Jia Yi. In total, we won 3 games out of 4. I only played for two games. The other two, Byung Jun removed three girls, including me and added 3 boys. Good job 103!
After all the games, we had recess. Ate with clique as usual and had to go to the hall for mass-dancing session with two China instructors. I thought it would be fun, but it ended up fucking boring and because of it, I'm aching all over right now. Classes had to line-up in a straight line with girls on the right and boys on the left. Did Chinese and Modern Dance. Super tiring because we did all these under 2 hours. Right after that, Ms Lee wanted to check our attendance. We got bored and such and most of us were tired, sleepy, hungry and dehydrated. And i thought we could go already, so my clique and I went downstairs to get some refreshments. Otw up, Bella and Cheryl told us that Ms Lee were finding us because we came out of the hall without permission.
Got scolded by Ms Lee but we said sorry. She lectured us for like 5 minutes then we went off. In class, Jovonne asked if we could go make Helen's cake. Something happened between she and Debbie. Hope they're okay with each other. And I can't wait to see the look on Helen's face when she sees the cake. Went out of school alone but took bus with Dianah since she came awhile later.
PS: It's 20/10/2010 today. Like the number?